Teal Rothschild

B.A. Bard College
M.A., Ph.D. New School of Social Research
Dr. Rothschild is an historical sociologist whose research has always focused on the intersections of social movements, activism, and identity. Rothschild’s interests surround the larger questions of how movements shape individuals and groups both within movements and beyond, with specific attention to issues of racialization, privilege, power, discourse, victimization, and representation in a variety of contexts within the United States. More recent social movements she has studied include: Redneck Revolt, Gun Violence Prevention Activism, and The Day Without An Immigrant Protests of 2006.
Currently, Rothschild is engaging in a new United States-based national ethnographic and interview-based project focusing on the projection of activism on to librarians, with attention to how librarians make sense of this themselves.
Selected Publications
(2022) Catherine Simpson Bueker, Teal Rothschild.“Global by the Seaside”. Contexts. American Sociological Association Journal. Spring 2022, Volume 21, Number 2, pp. 24-29
(2019) “Multiplicity in movements: the case for Redneck Revolt.” Contexts. American Sociological Association Journal. Summer 2019, Volume 18, Number 3, pp.57-59.
(2018): An Ethnography of Gun Violence Prevention Activists: “we are thinking people”. Lexington Books.
(2018) Introduction to Sociology: An Adaption of Open Stax's Introduction to Sociology 2 edition. 2018. https://rwu.pressbooks.pub/rothschildsintrotosociology/
(2011) An Immigrant, Not a Worker: Depiction of the 2006 ‘Day Without an Immigrant’ Protests in Printed Media of the United States. Journal of Media Sociology. 3 (1-4): 77-89.
(2010) Racialized Masculinity and Discourses of Victimization: A Comparison of the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement and the Militia of Montana. Advances in Gender Research, 13 (1).
Selected Presentations
(2016). “An Informal Discussion Roundtable: Tightrope Walking: Role of Researcher and Activist in Ethnographic Studies of Social Movements”, American Sociological Association. Seattle, Washington.
(2010). “Anti-immigrant sentiment and dehumanization: Representations of The Day without an Immigrant Protests” in Investigating Countermovement Dynamics. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Boston: Massachusetts.
Selected Interviews Quoted In
Iqbal, Mawa. “Left Wing Groups Take Up Arms in Name of Abolitionist John Brown.” Flatlands. Kansasic City Public Television 19, Inc. Kansas City PBS, July 23, 2020. https://www.flatlandkc.org/news-issues/left-wing-groups-take-up-arms-in-name-of-abolitionist-john-brown/
Seymart, Thomas. “Coronavirus, violences policières, Trump... Aux Etats-Unis, la gauche radicale s'arme aussi” Euronews.fr. https://fr.euronews.com/2020/08/28/coronavirus-violences-policieres-trump-aux-etats-unis-la-gauche-radicale-s-arme-aussi
Courses Taught
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 201 Social Stratification
SOC 220 Sociological Perspectives on Race
SOC 260 Sociological Imagination
SOC 316 Sociology of Gender
SOC 330 Globalization and Identity
SOC 340 Comparative Immigration
SOC 350 Comparative Social Movements and Social Change
SOC 460 Senior Seminar
Professional Service
American Sociological Association Member 1994-present
ASA Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements: mentor to graduate students