2023-2024 Bermont Family Distinguished Visiting Author – Phillip Lopate

Phillip Lopate is a central figure in the recent revival of interest in memoir writing and what has come to be called “the personal essay.”
Lopate is the author of Portrait of My Body, Confessions of Summer, Against Joie de Vivre, The Rug Merchant, Being with Children, and Totally Tenderly Tragically. He is also the editor of The Art of the Personal Essay and was the series editor of The Anchor Essay Annual.
Lopate’s work has been included in The Best American Essays and The Pushcart Prize Series. Recent books include To Show and Tell, Portrait Inside My Head, Waterfront, Getting Personal: Selected Writings and Notes On Sontag. In 2023, he published A Year and a Day: An Experiment in Essays. Lopate formerly directed the non-fiction MFA program at Columbia University. “
Time: Monday, April 8, 2024 (7:00 PM)
Location: Rogers Free Library - 525 Hope Street, Bristol RI