When Science and Stories Collide: Personal Narratives as Inclusive Science Communication

Why do stories matter? What makes for a compelling story? How can stories impact the people who hear and tell them?
Join Dr. Paula Croxson, neuroscientist, award-winning science communicator and Senior Producer at The Story Collider, for an in-depth look into the science of storytelling, featuring insights from communication studies, psychological science, and social neuroscience.
Learn about how storytelling can transform the way you communicate your science, and leave with some insights into developing your own true, personal narratives that can entertain, persuade, or inspire.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: MNS 200
Supported by NSF S-STEM (#1833918) - Engaging Undergraduates in Science Communication: Graduating STEM Professionals into Research & Industry in Science and Engineering (RISE)
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