Ignite Your Career: RWU Offers Conference for Women Students
The Mario J. Gabelli School of Business presents “Ignite: Accelerating Women’s Success” on April 13

BRISTOL, R.I. – As women continue to crack the glass ceiling and grow a stronger presence in typically male-dominated fields, the Mario J. Gabelli School of Business (GSB) at Roger Williams University presents a conference geared toward building community and ensuring success for women about to enter the workforce.
At “Ignite: Accelerating Women’s Success at Work,” the day-long conference will offer women students at RWU the opportunity to network with successful women from a variety of careers and provide tips for creating a professional online presence, negotiating salary and more. It’s one of the many ways GSB creates a strong network for women students at RWU, including a monthly “Lean In Circle” where women business students discuss issues related to women in the workplace and gain career advice from alumnae.
“At GSB, we are very engaged in providing opportunities for women to learn from women business practitioners how best to work toward success. Through activities such as our ‘Ignite’ conference and our own ‘Lean In Circle,’ our women students are offered ways to network with fellow students and alumnae to learn best practices that apply to early career professionals,” Gabelli School of Business Dean Susan McTiernan said. “We design these opportunities to address career issues that are most relevant to women planning the transition from college to their first professional position. GSB alumnae succeed and are always glad to work with our students to help them do so as well.”
The conference is open to all RWU students who identify as women; it is not open to the general public. There will be sessions covering the effective use of social media and other forms of professional presence and communication and salary negotiation skills for that first job after graduation and beyond.
The featured event will present a panel of RWU alumnae, who will share stories of their transitions from college to professional roles. Panelists include:
- Renee (Bilotti) Wetterland ’09, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in management, is working as the Human Resources Manager at the Omni Hotel in Providence.
- Ashley Gingerella O’Shea ’07, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communication (public relations and marketing), is working as the Director of Community Investments at the State of Rhode Island Executive Office of Health & Human Services
- Meaghan Bishop '17, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in finance, is working as a Business Analyst at Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions.
The event will be held on Saturday, April 13, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A $10 registration fee includes continental breakfast, alumnae luncheon and all conference materials.
Registration is required.