Tremco sponsors AIA RI Education Expo on Sustainable Preservation

AIA Rhode Island and RWU’s collaboration with Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance on the AIA Rhode Island Education Expo continued for a 2nd consecutive year, held in a daylong program at RWU’s Richard L. Bready Sailing Center and the DF Pray Lecture Theater at the School of Architecture, Art and Historic Preservation. The conference theme, “Built to Last: the Crossroads Between Sustainability and Historic Preservation” explored the world of sustainable preservation. Highlights included
- An afternoon walking tour of several recent historic preservation projects in Fall River, MA introduced by Fall River Mayor Jasiel Careia, with Thomas Patterson, George Delaney of the Mills Alliance, mill owner Patricia Tod, and Marc Belanger, Chairman of the Society of Industrial Archaeology
- air barrier and exterior insulation work at Harvard University by Gale Associates
- preservation and restoration of roof systems vs. roof replacements by Charles Fitzgerald, Tremco’s national leader in this area
- financing historic properties including a session with Eric Busch of Rustpoint Advisory, who is part of RWU’s 1772 Foundation-supported exploration of historic real estate finance, Holly Grosvenor AIA and James Gibbs AIA.