Discovering Opportunities

Jason Hall, RWU Class of 2018
AlumniFor Jason Hall, being involved with campus clubs has extended his education at RWU beyond the classroom in a very special way. Hall has seen firsthand that everything at RWU is an opportunity to help students grow, develop, and maximize their time on campus.
“My campus involvement has taught me so much. I know it’s going to be valuable moving forward with professional development, my job and career.”
The Web Development and Marketing double major leads the campus Paintball Club and Entrepreneurs Club. The experience has been crucial to his personal and professional growth, he says. Running both clubs with a business-like structure, he’s developed project management, leadership, problem-solving and teamwork skills. It has also directly complemented what he’s been learning in his courses, he says.
Because of that, he will cite it in interviews. “It’s very valuable to how much I’ve grown,” he says. “I would love to talk about this journey that I went on [with employers] and everything I’ve learned in the process and how it’s made me the ideal candidate for them.”
With more than 75 clubs and organizations (and more added every year), Roger Williams provides ample opportunities for students to gain the vital skills employers seek while also building strong friendships on campus with students with the same interests.