Pamela K. Judge, Ph.D., P.E., P.G.

Areas of Expertise
Civil/Geotechnical EngineeringEducation
B.S. Geological Engineering Colorado School of Mines
M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California Berkeley
Ph.D. Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Pamela Judge joined Roger Williams University in the fall of 2018. She received a Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Previously, she worked in industry for six years as a civil engineering consultant specializing in foundation design, slope stability, and retaining walls.
Dr. Judge’s research interests include geotechnical engineering, coastal protection, and green infrastructure. Her research focuses on studying erosion of soft clay mudflat soils. Her research interests also include biogeotechnics, specifically the potential use of biopolymers as a means of reducing erosion of cohesive soils. She is also very interested in examining the role of the civil engineering profession within interdisciplinary long-term shoreline protection projects including engineering implications to regional planning, socioeconomics, and policy considerations.
Dr. Judge was named a Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Fellow. She strives to increase diversity, social justice and inclusion in the classroom. She develops and refines teaching practices to center equity-minded and inclusive practices in engineering courses and across all disciplines.
At Roger Williams, she teaches Computer Applications for Engineers (ENGR 115), Mechanics of Materials lecture and lab (ENGR 300/300L), Engineering Senior Seminar (ENGR 401), Geotechnical Engineering lecture and lab (ENGR 414/414L), and Transportation Engineering (ENGR 420). Dr. Judge also mentors senior design students and teaches construction management classes including Surveying lab (CNST 302L) and Applied Structures (CNST 304). She looks forward to teaching Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design in the coming academic year.