Interdisciplinary Minor in Real Estate Approved

The Interdisciplinary Minor in Real Estate curriculum has been approved for undergraduate students. The program is designed to help students obtain the essential knowledge and skills in the real estate industry or pursue advanced studies in real estate. The curriculum provides students a strong foundation in the multi-disciplinary field of real estate focused on real property development, design, construction, business, sustainability, law, and finance. Coursework focuses on local examples of key national and global issues, such as coastal water management, historic and cultural preservation, community health and engagement, and regional growth. Program development was led by Associate Professor Program Director Ginette Wessel, Ph.D., Associate Professor with a group of faculty drawn from across the university.
The minor fulfills RWU General Education Minor requirements, and compliments many existing majors such as architecture, business, preservation, environmental studies, and other liberal arts majors. Students are also encouraged to consider a 4+1 degree track with the Masters of Real Estate program.
Three required courses include: REAL 101 Introduction to Real Estate and Resilient Communities, REAL 302/502 Real Estate Economics, Capital Markets, and Investment, and REAL 443/543 Project Development and Finance. Two electives are drawn from a menu of Architecture, Community Development, GIS, Criminal Justice, Construction Management, Economics, Legal Studies, Math, Management, Public Administration, Philosophy, Urban and Regional Planning, Political Science, Preservation Studies, Sustainability Studies, Urban Studies, and Writing Studies courses.