White, Alcolea, Mesa attend Encounters: Deans of the Americas IV in Mexico

Dean Stephen White and Architecture Program Directors Olga Mesa, Associate Professor and Ruben Alcolea, Associate Professor attended the 2024 Decanos/Directores de las Americas IV (Deans/Directors of the Americas IV Conference in Puebla, Mexico February 22-24, 2024. The conference is convened in this hemisphere every ten years among the South, Central and North American schools of architecture. This year’s convening was organized by the University of New Mexico, Florida International University, ISTHMUS Panama, and La Salle University Pachuca, Mexico. This year’s meeting addressed three key areas: Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change, and Human Displacement and Migration, with position papers on each subject to be released as an outcome of the meeting. The conference also engaged Architecture Education Across Borders, seeking to facilitate understandings involving teaching, accreditation, and student and program exchange potentials among the participants.