Real Estate
The Real Estate minor at RWU provides students a strong foundation in the multi-disciplinary field of real estate focused on property development, design, construction, business, sustainability, law, and finance. Coursework focuses on local examples of key national and global issues, such as coastal resiliency, historic and cultural preservation, affordable housing, community health and engagement, and regional growth.
The Minor in Real Estate is open to all undergraduate students. The program is designed to help students understand the essential knowledge and skills in the real estate industry and, if desired, pursue advanced studies in real estate.
The minor compliments many existing majors, such as architecture, business, preservation, construction management, environmental studies, and several liberal arts majors. Students are also encouraged to consider a 4+1 degree track with the Masters of Real Estate program.
Degree Requirements
Required Courses, 3 courses
- REAL 101 Introduction to Real Estate and Resilient Communities
- REAL 302/502 Real Estate Economics, Capital Markets, and Investment
- REAL 443/543 Project Development and Finance
Elective Menu, 2 courses
*Choose two courses with different prefixes. At least one course must be outside your major.
ARCH 324 Evolution of Urban Form
CD 350 Housing and Dev Skills
CIS 350 Geographical Analysis of Data
CJS 428 Crime Prevention
CNST 461 Residential Construction & Development
CNST 475 Construction Project Controls
ECON 211 Intermediate Microeconomics
LS 380 Property Ownership & the Law
LS 220 Fundamentals of Contract Law
MATH 225 Intro to Data Science
MGMT 200 Principles of Management
PA 201 Public Administration
PHIL 200: Ethics
PLAN 301 Intro to Urban and Regional Planning
POLSC 361 State and Local Government
PRES 320 American Cultural Landscapes
SUST 301 Analysis and Decision-Making for Sustainability
URBN 100 Intro to Urban Studies
WTNG 305 Writing the City